Do stubborn wrinkles make you look tired, angry or sad, even when you’re not? BOTOX® Cosmetic is a nonsurgical treatment that softens the appearance of signs of aging, including frown lines between the eyebrows and wrinkling at the edge of the eyes. This revolutionary injectable treatment can literally undo the effects of years of frowning, squinting and smiling.
Dr. Greg Gaines, an experienced plastic surgeon, offers BOTOX® Cosmetic at our Gainesville office.

Dr. Gaines has been using BOTOX® Cosmetic to help patients look their best for more than ten years, and personally administers each injection at our practice. To learn more about the treatment, schedule a consultation with us today.
How does BOTOX® Cosmetic work?
BOTOX® Cosmetic is a quick, virtually painless treatment that can be performed in the span of a lunch hour. Dr. Gaines uses a syringe to inject the BOTOX® Cosmetic into the areas you wish to rejuvenate.
BOTOX® Cosmetic is extremely effective. Injections of the medication target and incapacitate the muscles that cause wrinkles. Over time, repetitive movements cause the skin to form lines. Once these expressive muscles relax, deep wrinkles partially or completely disappear. After treatment, our patients look years younger and often report observing a more wakeful, carefree resting expression.
The entire BOTOX® Cosmetic procedure can be performed in under 10 minutes. Patients can expect to see some smoothing of wrinkles in the first few days or week following treatment, but the full results of BOTOX® Cosmetic can take up to 30 days to become visible. Results typically last for up to four months. Patients can guard against wrinkles re-forming by scheduling regular appointments at our office.
The Gummy Smile Botox Procedure
An aesthetically appealing smile is largely dependent on three things: the teeth, gums, and lips. More than 3mm of gum exposure while smiling is generally considered a “gummy smile.” Botox can be injected to lessen the appearance of a gummy smile, and is often used in conjunction with upper lip Juvederm filler to do so. The Botox exerts its effects by denervating the muscles that cause the upper lip to excessively lift. The Botox is injected at the Yonsei Point – the point of intersection of three facial muscles, where the nose and nasolabial fold meet. These three facial muscles are the Zygomaticus Minor, Levator Labii Superioris, and the Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi. This treatment usually lasts about 3 to 4 months, depending on the individual.
The Masseter Botox Procedure
Injections of the masseter muscle with Botox can be utilized for functional or aesthetic purposes, or sometimes a combination of the two. Patients with bruxism (or tooth grinding) may find that they awake to sore jaw muscles, morning headaches, or a powdery texture in their mouth. Additional symptoms can include temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, flattening of the profiles of the front teeth, or loss of articular surface on the molars. These chronic pain symptoms or dental changes are a direct result of nocturnal activation of the masseter muscles, which are located on the posterior jaw, just below and in front of the earlobes. Weakening these muscles with Botox injections frequently results in rapid improvement in most, if not all, of these symptoms. Additionally, some people with these functional problems find that their masseter muscles are unusually hypertrophied (enlarged), leading to a masculinized appearance or “squaring” of the jaw. Most female patients appreciate the reversal of this effect, resulting in a softening of the lower facial contours. In fact, masseter Botox injections are available to any patient who would like to diminish the appearance of a “square” jaw or otherwise slim the lower face.
BOTOX® Cosmetic can help your headaches
If you suffer from chronic migraines or headaches (occurring 15 or more days per month for a minimum of four hours at a time), this injectable also has properties that can reduce or prevent the occurrence of your headaches. BOTOX® Cosmetic is recommended as a preventive headache medication and is not intended to treat migraines once they have begun.
During a consultation at our practice, Dr. Gaines can determine whether you are a good candidate for BOTOX® Cosmetic to treat your headaches. If you decide to undergo treatment, Dr. Gaines will inject the medication in up to seven areas on the head and neck. These injections, similar to cosmetic application, may cause a minimal amount of discomfort during the procedure. This medication carries some slight risk of side effects including muscle weakness, eyelid drooping, and muscle spasms. Patients receiving BOTOX® Cosmetic injections for headaches or cosmetic purposes should be in good overall health with no history of neuromuscular diseases like multiple sclerosis.
Learn More About BOTOX® Cosmetic
Millions of patients have turned to BOTOX® Cosmetic for its quick, easy applications and dramatic results. Many of our patients who receive BOTOX® Cosmetic injections achieve even better results by combining treatment with other non-surgical procedures like Juvederm® treatment. Contact our offices to schedule an appointment today with Dr. Gaines.